Super Cute short video, Out of Sight.
via kottke
I’m sorry, Nick Heer, but there is no such thing as “respectable law enforcement”. There is only ‘law enforcement’ and that is not applied equitably in the best of circumstances, let alone when talking about privacy.
Oh, my.
This concept art for Alien looks a lot like the bridge from Prometheus.
Tonight’s Agenda:
Indian food: yum
Lightyear: TBD
My dad loves the 👍
That is his response to most of my texts.
Finished reading: Snow Crash: A Novel by Neal Stephenson 📚
Patiently…for now.
Is it just me or has Framed been getting easier and easier lately?
That’s no moon.
Shot with 30x zoom on Pixel 7 Pro
Edited in Snapseed
Leaving on a jet plane.
Reminder: Never read the comments on a news story. There’s nothing to gain from it.
One Foot Tsunami, Paul Kafasis:
Buying access is the basis of American society.
It’s been a great Christmas this year. Opened presents yesterday. Walked around the La Arboretum light show. Took not one, but two naps today. Just lovely being able to do nothing.
Peacock Valet
This year’s Lego Christmas present.
Can’t wait to build this one and add it to the collection.
Listen to your body.
They call this journalism?
Republicans calling Trump’s tax returns ‘private’ don’t understand privacy
I don’t understand this article. There’s nothing here.