If it were easy, everyone would do it.

It’s only worth doing if no one else is doing it?

I don’t agree with that. It’s worth doing if you want to do it.

Difficulty and hurdles have nothing to do with value.

Google Says It Will Automatically Delete Location Data Collected From Visits to Health Facilities

Even if Google did not track anything there are other businesses (online and off) that have that information anyway.

Is there a “Show the Desktop” button or key command on Mac? I like to minimize all open windows sometimes and it’s a pain to do that one at a time.

Difference Between Democrat and Republican



As of November 02, 2017, the United States House of Representatives has considered 100 resolutions to repeal, deauthorize, defund, or otherwise destroy the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (better known as Obamacare1).

Each time the Republicans tried to repeal ACA the “News” reported it. Every time the Democrats don’t try to pass legislation the “News” reports it. If the “News” is reporting it then it must be factual, because, well, it’s the NEWS.

Democrats need to get busy writing and submitting legislation. It doesn’t have to go anywhere in the Congress. It just has to be submitted so that the “News” will report about it and give the Democrats the opportunity to talk about what they’re trying to do. Just like the Republicans do right now.

Why Netflix May Have Spread Out Stranger Things Season 4

I used to hate that Netflix would release all episodes at one time. Now, I tend to wait to watch until all episodes are available.

I don’t want to wait for something to stream from the internet. This isn’t the 1980’s.

Well. This is not ideal.


There is no difference between this and the Taliban.

Rep. Adam Kinzinger referring to Rep. Lauren Boebert’s comments that the church should direct the government.

Lawyer For Ginni Thomas Sees No Reason For Her Testimony

Why would the wife of a Supreme Court justice who actively campaigned to overturn the election need to testify?

No reason at all for that.
Nothing to see.

Just going to keep trying to overthrow the government.

Jury holds Charter responsible for death of woman murdered by cable technician

Great, now do the same for gun manufacturers. Hold them liable for every murder their guns are a part of.

Almost got the Stupid Word Game today. I think. Maybe.


Stupid 180 2/2/2

My first go round playing Framed.

Framed #110 🎥 🟥 🟩 ⬛ ⬛ ⬛ ⬛


My personal opinion:

Conservative Republicans in the United States are equivalent to the Taliban: a fundamental religious sect that demonizes and oppresses women.

Are you real?

Well, if you can’t tell. Does it matter?

If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball.

Dear Tech Blogs,
You can not effectively call out Amazon for it’s shoddy product listings, warehouse culture, and ripping off products, while simultainiously promoting it’s yearly super sale.

Looking at you Engadget and The Verge. Pick a stance and stick with it.

America: land of the free; home of the brave.

America: land that bans books; allows guns.

I don’t think these two lands can coexist and survive.

This is an excellent list from McSweeney’s.

My favorite:

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single nap.