I really like the mirror on the landing in this photo.

Took a load to Goodwill today.

There is still a lot of stuff to go through.

Lunch was this Scallop pasta from Home Chef. It was pretty darn good.

Sometimes, I forget how much i enjoy seafood.

New pen added today. ✍️

Today’s Advice:


Reminds me of the Merovingian Restaurant Scene from The Matrix Reloaded.

I’ve been listening to the Interstellar soundtrack this morning while drinking ☕ and browsing the internet.

Pretty sure it is about time that I rewatch the movie. 🍿

Maybe tonight after work.

Seth Godin

Generosity unlocks doors inside of us.

I think that pretty much sums it up.

I wonder what color this sweater actually is.

Nick Heer’s conclusion sounds a little off the mark to me.

All of this is brought to you by parking companies that squat on valuable downtown blocks, thereby helping make cities less friendly, less walkable, and less connected.

I think it is a stretch to blame parking companies for squatting on downtown lots when the lots are probably zoned for parking by the city. But, I could be wrong.

New to me - or more likely, I forgot about it and just found it from an article in my RSS feed - so, new to me:

PINEPHONE - Beta Edition with Convergence Package Linux SmartPhone - PINE STORE

I’ve been using the same BaronFig Confidant notebook as my bullet journal since Sept 2019 because I’m not consistent keeping my bullet journal up to date.

Next year I’ll be using a yellow Confidant Confidant notebook.

Wait a minute. How did it get to be 12:40pm? I swear I just woke up at 10am a couple of minutes ago. #TimeFlies

The Kenyan beans from Intelligentsia coffee made a great cup of Aeropress coffee this morning.

So much more flavor than the Keruig pods that I’ve been in a rut with lately ☕️

What made me a progressive?

###American society.###

The unjust, racisist, misogynist society that protects wealty white men. The society that belittles the humanity of people that are not white. The society that belives property is more valuable and important than people.

Did you know there are reaction videos that are reactions to reaction videos on YouTube?

I knew that there were reaction videos.
I did not know that people reacted to those reaction videos.

Do people react to the reaction videos of the reaction videos?

This is the best.

1/4 mile at a time | MLTSHP

Missed Deliver Delimma:

Amazon delivered a Valve Index Knuckles and HTC SteamVR Base Station that I did not order but the label on the outside of the box was for my address.

What should I do with this hardware I’m not interested in?

Nature is fascinating.


On this holiday

I am thankful for all of the people in my life that are in my life because they want to be.
I am thnakful for the job that I enjoy doing, even though it can be frustrating.
I am thankful for the fact that all of my necessities are met.

I am thankful.