Just say an art blog post with the title
How would our behavior change if we knew no one was watching?
My initial reponse to myself was
It wouldn’t. That’s called Integrity.
Big news in my neck of the woods.
I bought a new car.
A Mazda CX-5

Thor is a good movie. Not just a good superhero movie.
The iPhone is a frustrating user experience sometimes.
Today’s issue: photos on the iMessage app will not retain the edits made to the photos for no apparent reason.
The music in Those Who Want Me Dead is not very good. 🍿
Has anyone started watching The Nevers on HBO?
I’m wondering if it is a good show to start watching.
Literally took a scroll to the bottom of a web page and checking 2 boxes and my Pixel 4 and I are in the Android 12 Beta program. All from the web and didnt have to do anything on the phone.
Made tofu tacos for lunch today.

Updated my main site to redirect to micro.blog so now I don’t have to pay for two blogging services a month. It feels good simplifying things just to simplify.
Love, guaranteed is one cheesey rom com which is just what the doctor ordered for this lazy Saturday afternoon. 🎬
Everytime I do yardwork, I tell myself I should have taken a picture before I started so I can compare before and after.
Everytime I do yardwork I forget to take a before picture.
I just jump right into the work.
The clouds are waves today.
Not bad, Southern California. Not bad at all.

One aspect of American reality I do not understand is:
Why is a city on the hook for paying if that city’s police department is sued?
Why doesn’t that money come out of the police budget and not the city budget?
I love trying to figure out what a movie is just by the opening credits.
Relaxing quiet time on the back patio in the shade with a cup of espresso.
Not a bad Friday afternoon.
Not bad at all.
I would love to see a sequel to Dredd.
That is one under rated action movie. Really well done. Good story, good effects, good action, good performances. Everything you want in a movie.
Spring is here!
Birds chirping.
Sun is shining.
Morning baseball on the TV.
Life was a willow and it bent right to your wind (oh)
They count me out time and time again
Life was a willow and it bent right to your wind (oh)
But I come back stronger than a 90’s trend
Godzilla vs Kong is a lot of fun. I throughly enjoyed it except for a few gripes that I will not write about right now. 🍿
Anyone else find it hysterical that Republicans have decried cancel culture while calling on boycotts for sports leagues and multi-national corporations?