I realy think that the Republica party in the United States has forgotten what year it is.
It sure does seem like their leaders still belive they are living in the 1980’s and 90’s rather than the 2020’s. Our infastructure is mostly 70+ years old and republicans like to pretend that the 1950’s were just a few decades ago; not closer to a century.
I think one thing I will never understand is why sports highlights get garbage electronic music added on top of the fan noise and the announcers.
It does NOT enhance my viewing experience in any way.
Still amazed they let the Tigers and Twins play in snow yesterday.
And it was a wild one in KC as the Chiefs and Cowboys battled it out at Kauffman stadium.
⚾ is back for 2021.
How is in April already?
I rewatched the 2014 Godzilla movie last night.
It really is two movies in one. The first is a, kind of, whodunit starring Bryan Cranston anbd the second is a very dark monster movie that was hard to follow visually.
Nevertheless, it was an entertaining movie.
Sorry, I am still enjoying the fact that there is a character in DC Comics called King Shark and he is literally the half man, half shark Maui from Moana.
If Santa goes to a bar who would be his wingman?
Steve Harvey
Santa Claus walks into a bar with Chucky and says, “Either I get a date or he murders everyone here”.
Filed under Family Feud answers get really, really, really, weird.
I really like the idea behind Erin Boyle’s weekly roundup My week inobjects,mostly.
The 5 photos is something that I want to start … at some point.
That would also mean a weekly roundup post … at some point.
River relaxing

I watched half of the Snyder cut of Justice League last night.
It was okay. Not very interesting of a superhero movie. Nothing has really happened. The bad guy is building his base up and the good guys are forming a team.
Overall, I give it a meh so far.
Zoe laying in the Sunday morning sun.

So, um, yeah, this is way out of my wheelhouse. But, what an amazing video.
I can’t believe that there are people out there that do this.
Fail we may
Fail we may, sail we must
Andrew Weatherall
'Fail we may, sail we must' - Andrew Weatherall.. pic.twitter.com/YIiVINTxNh
— KT_swooner (@ratherthanhater) November 24, 2020
Says website built on a reputation of accurate polling.
I may or may not have had too much espresso today.
Lasting Record
If you love something digital — writing, journalling, a blog post, anything — and you want to preserve it for hundreds of years, you’ll print it on paper. Nothing digital lasts. In fact, it has a proven track record of not lasting.
I dislike this type of blanket statement of fact.
Paper doesn’t last for hundreds of years if it is not cared for.
Who is going to care for your Hobonichi journal once you’re gone?
Who is going to preserve the blog post you copied to 60 gsm paper and meticulously calligraphied to look like an old time bible?
Okay if it looks good enough some one might preserve it.
The idea that you have to save and preserve your ramblings and thoughts and tasks and goals and whatever you use your notebook or blog for is just … well, pedestrian. Your thoughts on productivity, what Apple should release, how Google is horrible, or whatever your writing about will most likely not impact anyone in 10, 20, or 100 years. No matter what format you use.
It’s not like we’re all looking to some random Roman baker for ideas on how to live our lives now. What ideas are we stealing from The Enlightenment? Not Sherry’s recipe for crow pie. It is a select few who get to echo through the ages and let’s face it, you’re blog about Apple probably isn’t going to resonate with anyone soon.
But, hey, I could be wrong and your blog about minimalism is the one that people find in a future that has no idea about Stoicism or the ancient human cultures that birthed the philosophy and you become the new Marcus Aurelius. Do you care? You won’t be there to see it. You won’t be there to direct it. You won’t be there to shape it.
No, seek not to preserve your writing for generations to come. Write for yourself and if it gets saved then count it a blessing.
Do not fret about trying to preserve your words.
Do not think that you have to preserve your words.
Rob Macfarlane used to do a Word of the Day on twitter.
His word for Wednesday January 17th, 2018 was Apricity
the warmth of the sun on a winter’s day
It’s a complicated word for a complicated feeling.
Personally, I like the definition better than the word.
The warmth of the sun on a winter’s day, sounds better than Apricity. The phrase flows better, has more feeling, is more descriptive, than just a word.
I do miss his Word of the Day. Maybe it will return soon.
Bucatini Shortage
If this sentence doesn’t make you want to read Rachel Handler’s story about the bucatini shortage of 2020 than nothing will.
This made both perfect sense and absolutely no fucking sense at all, the sort of demented-timeline event that could only happen in 2020, when everything is, metaphorically, an innocent piece of pasta turned into a straw in a bid to help the environment that actually ends up being fatally dangerous.
The slow casual awareness that there is a shortage leads to the investigation to find out why there is a shortage.
Bucatini is a very good pasta and I have missed making Blue Apron’s Meyor Lemon Bucatini.
And, to be fair, bucatini is a fun word to say. It always reminds me of Star Wars and the Jawas in A New Hope.
I remember going down the Alpine Slide in Winter Park when I was a kid and loving it.