I’m pretty sure the Iconfactory doesn’t need help to kickstart a new social media app. The Apple echo chamber would have written, talked, shared, and gushed about it, if they just launched it themselves instead of it being a Kickstarter project.

The original Iron Chef is infinitely better than the American Food Network version. The English dub is just chef’s kiss emoji, perfect.

Om Malik writing about Apple Vision Pro

Regardless of what Apple says about “spatial computing” and “working” on Vision Pro, I believe this is the future of TV!


$3,500 (for the base unit) for a headset instead of less than $1,000 for a TV. I don’t see that being the future of TV.

Who do you think has the power in the business relationship between FedEx and Apple?

Hint: Market cap does not factor

Wasn’t the United States supposed to ban Tik Tok?


I like the HEY email idea. I do not like the HEY email price. I don’t think I’ll be paying $100 a year for a service that I currently get for free. The value isn’t there for me.

I wish Google would update the 2017 Pixelbook with the look and feel of the prototype CR-48.

Paul Kafasis wonders about shipping Hallmark cards and exposes the hidden reality of e-commerce.

It is no longer about effiicient shipping. It is all about “get it to the customer as fast as possible” shipping.

You can thank Amazon for that change. Everyone chases Amazon shipping as the standard

Apple announced you’ll be able to link out of your app to your website for an external purchase as long as you follow their rules and pay them 27% of any digital goods you sell for the trouble of opening the browser from your app.

Chefs kiss. Perfect no notes.

Woody Harrelson is the perfect Haymitch in The Hunger Games.

Hey @vincent did you know paddle was inputting tracking pixels in your Tinylytics payment email?

I know, or at least I’m pretty sure, you’re not putting those in there. Just wanted you to be aware of it. At least, HEY email thinks there’s a tracking pixel in the email.

This painting by Sebastian Pether, Bay of Naples, looks like it could be Mt. Doom.

Bay of Naples

Donald Drumpf on the Civil War

You could’ve negotiated that…

This man baby couldn’t even negotiate himself out of a paper bag.

A most excellent lunch.

The social media world would be a better place if we had originally called “influencers” advertisers because that’s what they are.

They are not influencing me to buy something; they are advertising a product or products or “lifestyle”.

TL;DR - Stupid “News” Story of the Day

Special Counsel Has Spent $12 Million Prosecuting Trump

The US government budget is $6 Trillion dollars. That is 0.0002% of the budget.

Well, this is excellent.

Minus One

Perfect. No Notes.


I decided to try HEY email to see if it will work for me. Apparently they wanted to do a Calendar this year as well. But, Apple rejected their app.

David Heinemeier Hansson posted about the rejection. And said Basecamp wouldn’t pay the 30% app store premium.

We’re never going to roll over and pay Apple 30% in protection money to be left alone.

He ended the post with

One can only dream. But one should also fight. You don’t get something for nothing.

I’m struck wondering, why does he thinks HEY Calendar should be listed in the Apple App store for nothing? Getting listed is something.

The social media world would be a better place if we had originally called “influencers” advertisers because that’s what they are.

They are not influencing me to buy something; they are advertising a product or products or “lifestyle”.