Whatever happened to waterbeds?
Zombie Doctor Strange
Nothing humbles you more than being “the first caller in the queue” for 30 minutes when contacting your company help desk.
It shouldn’t take 15 minutes to reset a password.
Without fail. Every single time.
I tell myself to take the before picture but only after I finish the work
And I forget to take the before picture until after I finish the work.
Please talk more about how you hate Europe and bicycles.
- Ron Swanson
Was he killed by a younger, stronger barber?
Why is corporate IT security training so bad?
Planet Earth was a great series. Maybe we should make a cyber security training course with a David Attenborough sound alike?
In Avengers Endgame, Why does Friday not tell Tony Stark that Thano’s ship came through the portal from 2014? Especially because they just initiated the “Barn Door” protocol just before Hulk snapped the Infinity Stones.
I have 2 moods. Sometimes at the same time.
Look at this beautiful creature.
I think it might be time for a rewatch.
Well, isn’t this pretty cool?
This might be my next Lego set.
Oh, and it works, with your phone.
I think Blending Spoons has done a good job with Evernote so far. Their design updates have been needed improvements from previous versions.
I would like to see them work on widgets next. The widgets on Android still have the older design style.
Does this person think maps didn’t exist before GPS?
That GPS is the only way to know how to get from point A to point B?
Mike Johnson’s third reason to take on the Justice System,
Sure thing.
Let’s attack one of our institutions with another institution because people are losing faith in our institutions. That’s going to totaly increase people’s faith in our institutions.
Makes total sense.
Curtis McHale on the Rabbit R1,
The keyword here is scammers; not AI or crypto - scammers.
The scammers don’t change; the medium changes.
Someday I will have to try to write about why I enjoy the Google Pixelbook over the Apple MacBook Air (M1) over any other laptop that I have used. But, that is not today.
Today I will say that the keyboard on the Pixelbook is one of my favorite keyboards to type on.
Rising Tids
Rising Tides do not always raise all boats.
Sometimes you need the government to step in and help people who can’t help themselves.
No, I’m not talking about welfare. I’m talking about working Americans who can barely support themselves while CEOs of large corporations are cosplaying as Scrooge McDuck.
Supply side economics have been a moo point for decades now. How can enabling one person with billions of dollars offset the buying power of thousands of people with thousands of dollars?